Wappsto allows you to integrate data from various data sources, for example Weather data, Twitter, Philips Hue, Electricity data, and much more.

Weather Data
Wappsto offers our default integration of weather data from
The weather app retrieves the current weather information for the specified city you enter. Weather updates are retrieved every 15 minutes from the data source and populated in your Wappsto account.

Philips HUE Smart Home Devices
Our converter Wapp connects to Philips cloud using an access token to retrieve data from your Bridge and lights connected to it.
Shelly Smart Home Devices
Shelly Smart Home Integration include electricity meters, light bulbs, relays, sensors and other accessories.

Energy Data
Energy data fetching from
See an example of how integrations can work together.
In the video, you can see how we combine a door window contact with a thermostat by using block programming.